Life on air: Going down
I get asked all the time, “Do you have a control system that will automatically deflate when I turn off my car?” The answer is no, that is the last thing you want! Why do you ask? Well, let me explain.
As cool as it would be to have your car go down automatically when you shut it off, it is not the best idea. Think about this, how many times do you whip into a parking spot at your local party store and run inside for a quick second? More than likely, you do not deflate your car, and your wheels are turned. If your car deflated automatically, your turned wheel is now starting a relationship with your fender, and it will not end well.
(Photo courtesy of Scion Life)
You always want to pay close attention when laying your vehicle out. Not only do you not want to damage a fender or two, but you also never know when the family cat may be hiding under your ride.
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